ASM 1/25/2005 hex intel source
1802 Assembler
CHDIR 7/9/2004 hex intel source
Change current directory
COPY 7/9/2004 hex intel source
Copy a file
DEL 7/9/2004 hex intel source
Delete file
DIR 7/9/2004 hex intel source
Show directory contents
DUMP 12/10/2004 hex intel source
Dump memory to disk file
EDIT 9/14/2004 hex intel source
ASCII file editor
EXEC 7/9/2004 hex intel source
Start program already in memory
FREE 7/9/2004 hex intel source
Show disk usage
HEXDUMP 7/9/2004 hex intel source
Display contents of a file in hex format
INSTALL 12/10/2004 hex intel source
Package installer
RC/LISP 9/14/2004 hex intel source
Small Lisp interpreter
LOAD 12/10/2004 hex intel source
Load executable program into memory without executing
MINIMON 7/9/2004 hex intel source
Mini monitor
MKDIR 7/9/2004 hex intel source
Make directory
PATCH 7/9/2004 hex intel source
Applies patches to a file
RC/FORTH 7/9/2004 hex intel source
Forth programming language
RENAME 7/9/2004 hex intel source
Rename a file
RMDIR 7/12/2004 hex intel source
Remove a directory
SAVE 12/10/2004 hex intel source
Save memory to executable file
SETBOOT 7/9/2004 hex intel source
Rewrite boot loader
STAT 8/24/2004 hex intel source
Show size of a file
TDUMP 7/14/2004 hex intel source
Equivalent to DUMP except loads at 2000-20FF and uses system DTA
TYPE 7/9/2004 hex intel source
Type contents of an ASCII file
VER 7/9/2004 hex intel source
Show version of kernel or executable files - This is used by most of the build environments.