Date Version Notes
1/20/2003 0.1 Initial Bios Release
2/19/2004 0.2 Added cold boot routine, stack call, and stack return
3/23/2004 0.3 Added terminal baud, 8-bit multiply, 16-bit divide, Changed register assignments to standards
3/23/2004 0.3.1 Fixed error in floppy boot routine. Thanks Richard for finding that!
3/29/2004 0.4 Added support for IDE read/write and reset
4/07/2004 0.5 Major restructuring of bios call convention. BIOS calls are now called with SCALL and SRET method
4/21/2004 0.6 Added f_hexin,f_hexout2,f_hexout4,f_initcall,f_bootide
6/07/2004 0.7 Added f_minimon,f_atoi,f_intout,f_uintout
7/21/2004 0.8 Replaced serial routines, now allows up to 2400 baud with 1.7mhz clock
10/11/2004 0.9 SCALL and SRET now set X=2
f_inmsg added for outputting inline messages
f_input has been modified to allow up to 256 bytes on entry
f_inputl has been added to allow for specified limited buffer input
<CTRL><C> will terminate terminal input and set DF
Fixed remainder bug in f_div16
1/25/2005 1.0 Removed Floppy Disk routines
Added: f_isnum, f_isalpha, f_ishex, f_isalnum, f_findtkn, f_idnum, f_isterm
3/1/2005 1.0.4 Added: f_getdev
Added support for STG Elf 2000 IDE/UART/RTC board
11/6/2017 1.0.6 Merged in changes from Robert Armstrong for Elf2k expansions

Bios Functions
Function Name Version Notes
0FF00h f_boot 0.5 Cold boot from ide
0FF03h f_type 0.5 Type charcter to terminal
0Ch is translated to <ESC>[2J
Input: D - Character to type
RE.1 - Baud Constant
Output: None
0FF06h f_read 0.5 Read charcter from terminal
Input: RE.1 - Baud Constant
Output: D - Read character
0FF09h f_msg 0.5 Type message to terminal
Input: RF - pointer to asciiz string
RE.1 - Baud Constant
Output: None
0FF0Fh f_input 0.5 Read string from terminal (fixed buffer length of 256)
Input: RF - pointer to input buffer
RE.1 - Baud Constant
Output: DF=0 - Input finished with <ENTER>
DF=1 - Input finished with <CTRL><C>
0FF12h f_strcmp 0.5 Compare strings
Input: RF = pointer to string_1
RD = pointer to string_2
Output: string_1 = string_2 D=00
string_1 < string_2 D=FF
string_1 > string_2 D=01
0FF15h f_ltrim 0.5 Left trim string
Input: RF = pointer to string
Output: RF points to first non-whitespace character
0FF18h f_strcpy 0.5 String copy
Input: RF = pointer to source string,0 terminated
RD = pointer to destination string
Output: None
0FF1Bh f_memcpy 0.5 Memory copy
Input: RF = pointer to source string
RD = pointer to destination string
RC = count of bytes to copy
Output: None
0FF1Eh f_wrtsec 0.5 Write sector to disk (current drive, track)
Function removed in version 1.0
Input: RF = pointer to data
RC.0 = Sector to write
Output: D - Result from FDC
0FF21h f_rdsec 0.5 Read sector from disk (current drive, track)
Function removed in version 1.0
Input: RF = pointer to buffer
RC.0 = Sector to read
Output: D - Result from FDC
0FF24h f_seek0 0.5 Seek to track 0 (current drive)
Function removed in version 1.0
Input: None
Output: D - Result from FDC
0FF27h f_seek 0.5 Seek to track (current drive)
Function removed in version 1.0
Input: RC.0 = Track
Output: D - Result from FDC
0FF2Ah f_drive 0.5 Select drive
Function removed in version 1.0
Input: RC.0 = Drive (1=drive 1,2=drive 2,4=drive 3,8=drive 4)
Output: None
0FF2Dh f_setbd 0.5 Determine terminal baud rate
Input: Needs <CR> or <LF> type at console
<CR> - Use full duplex mode
<LF> - Use half duplex mode
Output: RE.1 = Baud Constant
0FF30h f_mul16 0.5 Multiply 16-bit by 16-bit
Input: RF = First number
RD = Second number
Output: RB = Low word of 32-bit result
RC = High word of 32-bit result
0FF33h f_div16 0.5 Divide 16-bit by 16-bit
Input: RF = First number
RD = Second number
Output: RB = 16-bit result
RF = 16-bit remainder
0FF36h f_idereset 0.5 Reset IDE subsystem
0FF39h f_idewrite 0.5 Write IDE Sector
Input: RF = Pointer to disk transfer buffer
R7.0 = value for Sector Start Register
R7.1 = value for Cylinder Lo Register
R8.0 = value for Cylinder Hi Register
R8.1 = value for Head/Device Register
R2 = Valid stack
Output: D = Controller Status Register
0FF3Ch f_ideread 0.5 Read IDE Sector
Input: RF = Pointer to disk transfer buffer
R7.0 = value for Sector Start Register
R7.1 = value for Cylinder Lo Register
R8.0 = value for Cylinder Hi Register
R8.1 = value for Head/Device Register
R2 = must point to suitable stack
Output: D = Controller Status Register
0FF3Fh f_initcall 0.6 Initiallize SCALL and SRET
This routine is invoked with LBR not scall.
Input: R6 - Return address
Output: R4 - Call vector for SCALL
R5 - Call vector for SRET
0FF42h f_bootide 0.6 Boot IDE device
Input: None
Output: None
0FF45h f_hexin 0.6 Convert ascii hex to binary
Input: RF = Buffer pointer to characters string
Output: RD - Binary representation of number
RF - Pointing at first non-alphanumeric character
0FF48h f_hexout2 0.6 Convert binary byte to ascii string
Input: RD.0 = Number to convert
RF = Buffer pointer
Output: RD - Consumed
RF - Pointing to first byte after conversion
0FF4Bh f_hexout4 0.6 Convert binary word to ascii string
Input: RD = Number to convert
RF = Buffer pointer
Output: RD - Consumed
RF - Pointing to first byte after conversion
0FF4Eh f_tty 0.6 Type charcter to terminal, no translations
Input: D - Character to type
RE.1 - Baud Constant
Output: None
0FF54h f_minimon 0.7 Jump to mini-monitor
Input: none
Output: None
0FF57h f_freemem 0.7 Get memory size
Input: none
Output: RF - Last writable address
0FF5DH f_atoi 0.7 Convert ASCII to integer
Input: RF - Pointer to ascii string
Output: RD - Converted number RF - First non-numeric character DF=1 - First characters was non-numeric
0FF60h f_uintout 0.7 Convert unsigned integer to ASCII
Input: RD - Number to convert RF - Buffer to store ascii number
Output: RF - Last position + 1
0FF63h f_intout 0.7 Convert signed integer to ASCII
Input: RD - Number to convert RF - Buffer to store ascii number
Output: RF - Last position + 1
0FF66h f_inmsg 0.9 Type inline message to terminal
Input: Bytes following call are output
RE.1 - Baud Constant
Output: None
0FF69h f_inputl 0.9 Read string from terminal (variable buffer length)
Input: RF - pointer to input buffer
RC - Maximum allowed input characters
RE.1 - Baud Constant
Output: DF=0 - Input finished with <ENTER>
DF=1 - Input finished with <CTRL><C>
0FF6Ch f_brktest 0.9.1 Check for serial break
Input: none
Output: DF=0 - Break no asserted
DF=1 - Break asserted
0FF5Ah f_isnum 1.0 Check for numeric character (0-9)
Input: D - Character to check
Output: DF=0 - Character is non-numeric
DF=1 - Character is numeric
0FF72h f_isalpha 1.0 Check for alpha character (A-Z,a-z)
Input: D - Character to check
Output: DF=0 - Character is non-alpha
DF=1 - Character is alpha
0FF75h f_ishex 1.0 Check for hex character (0-9,A-F,a-f)
Input: D - Character to check
Output: DF=0 - Character is non-hex
DF=1 - Character is hex
0FF78h f_isalnum 1.0 Check for alphanumeric character (0-9,A-Z,a-z)
Input: D - Character to check
Output: DF=0 - Character is non-alphanumeric
DF=1 - Character is alphanumeric
0FF7Eh f_isterm 1.0 Check for terminating character (any characer that is not f_alnum)
Input: D - Character to check
Output: DF=0 - Character is non-terminator
DF=1 - Character is terminator
0FF6Fh f_findtkn 1.0 Find token within a token table
Input: RF - Pointer to ascii symbol to search for
R7 - Pointer to symbol table
Output: RD - Entry number
DF=0 - Entry was not found
DF=1 - Entry is valid
0FF7Bh f_idnum 1.0 Identify symbol type
Input: RF - Pointer to ascii symbol
Output: D=0 - Symbol is a decimal number
D=1 - Symbol is a hex number
DF=0 - Symbol is a valid number
DF=1 - Symbol is an invalid number
0FF81h f_getdev 1.0.4 Get supported deivces
Input: None
Output: RF - Supported device map
Bit Device
1 Floppy
2 Bit-banged serial
6 1861 Video
7 9118 Video

Optional Bios Functions

Note: These functions may not be available in all versions of the BIOS. At present, these are only supported in the Elf 2000 version of the BIOS.

Function Name Version Notes
0F800h f_bread 1.0.4 Read charcter from bit-banged serial port
Input: RE.1 - Baud Constant
Output: D - Read character
0F803h f_btype 1.0.4 Type charcter to bit-banged serial port
0Ch is translated to <ESC>[2J
Input: D - Character to type
RE.1 - Baud Constant
Output: None
0F80Ch f_btest 1.0.4 Check for serial break on bit-banged serial port
Input: none
Output: DF=0 - Break no asserted
DF=1 - Break asserted
0F809h f_utype 1.0.4 Type charcter to UART serial port
0Ch is translated to <ESC>[2J
Input: D - Character to type
RE.1 - Baud Constant
Output: None
0F80Ch f_uread 1.0.4 Read charcter from UART serial port
Input: RE.1 - Baud Constant
Output: D - Read character
0F812h f_usetbd 1.0.4 Set communication parameters on UART serial port
Input: D - Baud Constant
Bit(s) Value Meaning
2-0 0 0 0 300 Baud
0 0 1 1200 Baud
0 1 0 2400 Baud
0 1 1 4800 Baud
1 0 0 9600 Baud
1 0 1 19200 Baud
1 1 0 38400 Baud
1 1 1 76800 Baud
3 Reserved
5-4 0 0 5 bit words
0 1 6 bit words
1 0 7 bit words
1 1 8 bit words
6 0 No parity
1 Parity enabled
7 0 Odd parity
1 Even parity
Output: DF=1 - UART not installed
DF=0 - Success
0F815h f_gettod 1.0.4 Get Time Of Day
Input: RF - Buffer to receive TOD information
Output: DF=0 - Success
DF=1 - Error
D=0 - No RTC
D=1 - Invalid Time
0F818h f_settod 1.0.4 Set Time Of Day
Input: RF - Buffer to date/time data
Output: DF=0 - Success
DF=1 - No RTC
0F81Bh f_rdnvr 1.0.4 Read bytes from NVR
Input: RF.0 - Relative address to begin reading
RD - Destination for bytes
RC.0 - Count of bytes to read
Output: DF=0 - Success
DF=1 - No NVR
0F81Eh f_wrnvr 1.0.4 Write bytes to NVR
Input: RF.0 - Relative address to begin reading
RD - Source for bytes
RC.0 - Count of bytes to read
Output: DF=0 - Success
DF=1 - No NVR
0F821h f_idesize 1.0.4 Get size in MB of IDE hard disk
Input: RD.0=0 - Master drive
RD.0-1 - Slave drive
Output: RF - Size of drive in MB, 0=no drive
0F824h f_ideid 1.0.4 Get IDE identification data
Input: RF - Pointer to buffer to receive data
RD.0=0 - Master drive
RD.0-1 - Slave drive
Output: DF=0 - Success
DF=1 - Drive error
0F827h f_dttoas 1.0.4 Convert date to ASCII
Input: RD - Pointer to binary date
RF - Pointer to destination buffer
Output: RD - Points to time portion of binary date
0F82Ah f_tmtoas 1.0.4 Convert time to ASCII
Input: RD - Pointer to binary time
RF - Pointer to destination buffer
Output: None
0F827h f_dttoas 1.0.4 Convert date to ASCII
Input: RD - Pointer to binary date
RF - Pointer to destination buffer
Output: RD - Points to time portion of binary date
0F82Dh f_rtctest 1.0.4 Test for existance of RTC
Input: None
Output: DF=1 RTC is present
DF=0 RTC is not present
D - Size of NVR in RTC
0F830h f_astodt 1.0.4 Convert ASCII date to binary
Input: RF - Pointer to ASCII date
RD - Pointer to destination buffer
Output: None
0F833h f_astotm 1.0.4 Convert ASCII time to binary
Input: RF - Pointer to ASCII time
RD - Pointer to destination buffer
Output: None

Bios routine addresses:
Routine Address Function
CALL 0FFE0h Standard stack-based call
RET 0FFF1h Standard stack-based return